ID | Interpret | Skladba | Album | |
1. | The Beach Boys | God Only Knows (Hawaii 1967) | Rarities Vol. 12 (Big Sur 1970 & Hawaii 1967) | |
2. | Greater Good Radio | Gail Mukaihata Hannemann: CEO Girl Scouts of Hawaii, Chairman of Hawaii Arts Alliance | Greater Good Radio | |
3. | Beatles | 1967 | Fan Club Christmas Records | |
4. | Beatles | 1967 | Fan Club Christmas Records | |
5. | Bengt Emil Johnson | 2/1967 | Text-sound-compositions 2 | |
6. | Contrast Podcast | 067 1967 | | |
7. | Andre Williams | You Got It And I Want It 1967 | | |
8. | Dayglow Abortions | 1967 | Out of the Womb LP | |
9. | the Beatles | beatles 1967 | | |
10. | Bogdan Mazurek | 205 Esperienca 1 (1967) | 40 Years of Polish Experimental Radio Studio Warsaw | |
11. | Bogdan Mazurek | 205 Esperienca 1 (1967) | 40 Years of Polish Experimental Radio Studio Warsaw | |
12. | Bogdan Mazurek | 206 Esperienca 2 (1967) | 40 Years of Polish Experimental Radio Studio Warsaw | |
13. | Disney | 60-Second Commercial, 1967 | Pirates of the Caribbean Unauthorized 37th Anniversary | |
14. | Chava Alberstein | Kinneret [1967] | Perakh halilach | |
15. | Haile Selassie | 1967 Interview | 1967 Interview | |
16. | Bogdan Mazurek | 206 Esperienca 2 (1967) | 40 Years of Polish Experimental Radio Studio Warsaw | |
17. | Diana Ross & The Supremes | Love Is Here And Now Your Gone 1967 | 16 Big Hits From The Late 60's | |
18. | Gil J Wolman | La Mémoire Mégapneumes (1967), 3'12 | OU Review | |
19. | The Beatles | 06 Christams Record 1967 | Complete Christmas Collectio.. | |
20. | BELL, Archie & THE DRELLS | A Soldier's Prayer, 1967 | Tighten Up | |
21. | Galerie Stratique | Ghost raft 1967 | Adieu IDM | |
22. | Salvador Dali | Apoth du dollar (1967) | | |
23. | The Beatles | 06 Christams Record 1967 | Complete Christmas Collectio.. | |
24. | Gil J Wolman | La Mémoire Mégapneumes (1967), 3'12 | OU Review | |
25. | Patrick Ireland | "Vowel Drawing", 1967 | Audio By Visual Artists, TELLUS 21 | |
26. | Patrick Ireland | "Vowel Drawing", 1967 | Audio By Visual Artists, TELLUS 21 | |
27. | Radio Caroline | Caroline Continues aug 1967 | title | |
28. | Radio Caroline | Caroline Continues aug 1967 | title | |
29. | Radio Caroline | Caroline Continues aug 1967 | | |
30. | Abba Eban | Abba Eban: The Six-Day War (1967) | Great Speeches of Abba Eban: Introduced by Walter Cronkite | |